Archived Save the Train forum articles - 2005 to 2010. See below
Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6497 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Wednesday, 25th July 2007
Wiltshire County Council has succeeded in its application to become a unitary authority, and to sweep away / take over the four district councils.
I am an advocate for simplifying the various levels of government - there are simply too many - but I regret the passing of the district councils who I have found to be much more in line with the community;
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6513 Written by Lee on Thursday, 26th July 2007
More on this in the links below. http://www.savethetrain.org.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2584.msg6487#msg6487
Michael Ancram revealed the decision could become subject to a judicial review (link below.) http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=146238&command=displayContent&sourceNode=146064&contentPK=17928272&folderPk=100268&pNodeId=145795
"In democratic terms it is a disgrace, and it is totally contrary to the Prime Minister's assertion he will listen to people," he said.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6533 Written by Lee on Friday, 27th July 2007
From the link below : http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=146238&command=displayContent&sourceNode=146064&contentPK=17938741&folderPk=100268&pNodeId=145795
"The letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government judges the bid against five criteria set by the Government.
The most contentious one is the need for support by a "cross section of partners and stakeholders".
Campaigners against the unitary council say it was opposed by most of the county MPs, district and parish councils, and claim there was little public support.
But the letter says Communities Secretary Hazel Blears "considers that, if implemented, the proposal would command a broad cross-section of support from a range of stakeholders, both public and private sector, as well as some support from the general public".
Ms Blears also says the Wiltshire bid passes the tests for strong, effective and accountable leadership, and for neighbourhood flexibility and empowerment.
On value for money "the commitment to rationalise management and back office service delivery functions, mean that local people will benefit from more efficient and effective services".
The unions will see that as justifying their fears of redundancies, especially as the Government says council tax must not rise to pay for the shake-up.
Mr Blears says on the fifth criteria, affordability, "the financial case looks reasonably robust and there is little risk that the proposal would be un-affordable".
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6558 Written by Lee on Saturday, 28th July 2007
Hundreds of jobs due to be axed by councils in Wiltshire will go through natural wastage instead of redundancies , says a leading council officer (link below.) http://thisisbath.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=163490&command=displayContent&sourceNode=163316&contentPK=17946909&folderPk=89126&pNodeId=163047
Anyone affected by the changes can visit www.onecouncilforwiltshire.co.uk website for more details or can email onecouncil@wiltshire.gov.uk
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6582 Written by courgettelawn on Monday, 30th July 2007
I am just catching up with all this news as I have just moved.
What a disappointment, at least from a Salisbury point of view. I know our MP, Robert Key, was firmly against this and pointed out many flaws in the economic implications as well as those of representation.
However it is perhaps to our advantage that our new councillors will have to address issues on a county-wide basis. There is no excuse whatsoever to allow and pay for a bypass but not provide funds for a decent rail service cross-county.
Certainly Blears made this decision on a decision that was already made, as it were. It is clearly a cost-cutting (short-termist) exercise and it is certain that jobs will go and there will be considerable difficulty getting much done for the next year or two. I am always suspicious about any organisation saying they have a "raft of measures in place." Wiltshire CC say in the press release that: "Changing the current system will save Wiltshire taxpayers
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6589 Written by Lee on Monday, 30th July 2007
Further article , with quote from Dr Keith Robinson , chief executive of Wiltshire County Council (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1581996.0.helpline_for_worried_council_staff.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6594 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Monday, 30th July 2007
[quote author=courgettelawn link=topic=3143.msg6582#msg6582 date=1185788408] We must now increase the pressure at county level so the issue of rail is never allowed to be kept off the agenda. [/quote]
Fleur de rhePhilipe, the County Councillor for part of Westbury and the cabinet member came onto the stand at the West Wilts show at the end of the last week.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6598 Written by Nick Field on Tuesday, 31st July 2007
I spoke to a collleague at work who's wife works for Kennet DC. I fished for some insider information and got the impression that this has been a completely politicallly led decision, a government stich up some might say.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6607 Written by courgettelawn on Tuesday, 31st July 2007
All the fob-offs such as the ones Graham Ellis mentioned need to be made more public at election time. It is unacceptable to tell someone with a perfectly reasonable local campaign to stop irritating her with messages. This makes me very annoyed indeed. Having said that, as many wise Greek warned, hubris is a man (and a woman's) final downfall.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6666 Written by Lee on Friday, 3rd August 2007
The cabinet of West Wiltshire District Council will be holding talks in secret next week in response to the Secretary of State's decision to move forward with plans for one super council (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1587584.0.secret_talks_on_super_council_response.php
The press and public are being excluded from discussions about the Government's decision , which dominates the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday (08/08/2007.)
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6677 Written by Lee on Saturday, 4th August 2007
Here is a further view on this (link below.) http://tehmina.org/2007/08/03/a-single-wiltshire/
Also , the extraordinary West Wiltshire District Council meeting on Wednesday (08/08/2007) will be open to the public. It will take place at the council's offices in Bradley Road , Trowbridge and will start at 1900 (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1595352.0.super_council_meeting_announced.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6705 Written by Lee on Monday, 6th August 2007
Council chiefs have been urged to work together instead of fighting the move to set up a unitary authority in Wiltshire (link below.) http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=146238&command=displayContent&sourceNode=146064&contentPK=18028554&folderPk=100268&pNodeId=145795
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6773 Written by courgettelawn on Thursday, 9th August 2007
I am still suffering intermittent access to the internet so have not been able to update my blog entry regarding a single Wiltshire (see Lee's link above).
However on reading the press release from Wilts CC I did raise a number of issues to Miss De Rhe-Philipe to which I await a response. I will give it a fortnight and then send a reminder. The points mainly revolve around the problematic nature of getting across the county via public transport. As people will have to go further afield for some services this is a crucial issue they will have to respond to sooner rather than later.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6791 Written by Lee on Friday, 10th August 2007
West Wiltshire District Council has agreed to take legal action against the decision to create a unitary authority in Wiltshire (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1605998.0.council_to_launch_legal_challenge.php
Councillors had an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday to vote in principle to launch the review. The cabinet then agreed formally to proceed with the legal action.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6792 Written by Nick Field on Friday, 10th August 2007
I would of thought they would need the backing of the other districts as well?
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6795 Written by Lee on Friday, 10th August 2007
Wiltshire County Council says it is still confident a unitary authority will go ahead despite district council plans to take the decision to a judicial review (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.1611036.0.legal_plan_doesnt_worry_council.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6809 Written by courgettelawn on Saturday, 11th August 2007
All the noises from Salisbury DC have been conciliatory and I don't think they will take the legal challegne route. As this decision has been made arbitrarily from on high I think it is possibly wise not to. Having said that, if the five districts were to have planned to stick together following the decision, there may have been a better case to re-think the decision for Wilts.
My real objection is that we only voted for our district councillors in May on specific manifestos. What happened to democracy?
I still await a response from Wilts' communications dept on the plans for local community boards, etc. Not even an acknowledgment. Will follow up soon and report back.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6832 Written by Lee on Monday, 13th August 2007
Two other councils in the region are about to join in the legal fight (link below.) http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=146238&command=displayContent&sourceNode=146064&contentPK=18080986&folderPk=100268&pNodeId=145795
The bosses of councils in both Salisbury and Kennet have decided to join up with West Wiltshire and fight the Government in the courts.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6847 Written by courgettelawn on Tuesday, 14th August 2007
Oh! Don't you love it when they change with the wind like that! The messages here have been quite the opposite: 'oh, now it's happened we will work with county councillors to ensure a smooth transition and best terms for our employees.'
I have a feeling it will be long and drawn out and ultimately come to nought. My problem with it is not the principle of the challenge but that in the meantime there is a lot of statis in planning and policy so you can't get a straight answer out of anyone!
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/6858 Written by Lee on Tuesday, 14th August 2007
West Wiltshire District Council has appointed an extra member of cabinet (links below.) http://thisisbath.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=163490&command=displayContent&sourceNode=163316&contentPK=18104592&folderPk=89126&pNodeId=163047
Cllr Rod Eaton will lead on issues relating to the proposed reorganisation of local government in Wiltshire.
Cllr Graham Payne , leader of the council , said, "The decision by the Government to abolish West Wiltshire District Council was a real blow for local democracy and we do not believe it is in the best interests of local residents."
"Cllr Eaton will check that the Government's decision is legal and work with our lawyers on this."
"In the meantime, the new cabinet member will continue to work with our lawyers to check that any pre-emptive moves by the county council do not exceed its legitimate authority or railroad the integration through."
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7065 Written by Nick Field on Friday, 24th August 2007
Will Swindon Borough swallow up more of Wiltshire? :
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7153 Written by courgettelawn on Tuesday, 28th August 2007
Take note of the semantics of all the controversy over the Unitary Bid, from the article above:
"At the time council leader Roderic Bluh said that expansion into Wootton Bassett and Cricklade could occur." [My emphasis]
"Wiltshire County Council won its bid to become a single super-council despite objections from the four district councils it will consume." [My emphasis]
"Marlborough town councillor Stewart Dobson said he had heard Swindon was eyeing up the town." [My emphasis]
This sounds more like frontier wars than local govt. reorganisation.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7449 Written by Lee on Thursday, 6th September 2007
Councillors in North Wiltshire last night agreed not to support three other district councils seeking a judicial review into the decision to create a unitary authority for Wiltshire (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1666588.0.councillors_snub_legal_move.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7728 Written by courgettelawn on Friday, 21st September 2007
S(*)at upon by the county as in so many cases. Shame, this challenge may at least have seen some more information come to light.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7763 Written by Lee on Saturday, 22nd September 2007
The county's super council will start life in April 2009 with a new name (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.1706948.0.super_council_details_revealed.php
Councillors agreed on the name Wiltshire Council rather than keeping Wiltshire County Council to give the authority a new identity.
Elections will take place in May 2009 , a year later than was originally envisaged.
Wiltshire County Council leader Jane Scott said the 2009 start would give time for the Boundary Commission to carry out a review to ensure a single member represents each ward.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7785 Written by courgettelawn on Monday, 24th September 2007
excellent, wiltshire council or wc for short.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/7787 Written by Lee on Monday, 24th September 2007
More on this in the link below. http://tehmina.org/2007/09/24/a-single-wiltshires-new-name-wc/
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8167 Written by Nick Field on Friday, 12th October 2007
A major blow has been dealt to West Wiltshire District Council's fight against the unitary authority for Wiltshire, see the link below:
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8552 Written by Lee on Saturday, 10th November 2007
West Wiltshire District Council's decision to spend
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8667 Written by Lee on Friday, 16th November 2007
West Wiltshire District Council is preparing for a haemorrhaging of key staff in the countdown to the day when one council for Wiltshire is introduced (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1833206.0.council_faces_staffing_crisis.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8670 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Friday, 16th November 2007
I understand that planning department staff are being poached by neighbouring authorities ...perhaps it's time for the leaders of Wiltshire to make themselves and the job prospects they're offering know to the district employees and let them know a little bit more of how their positions are to be taken forward in a positive way.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8801 Written by Nick Field on Monday, 26th November 2007
Andrew Murrison is in talks to fight the proposal:
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8804 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Monday, 26th November 2007
I note that includes:
"""Last week, council chiefs and MPs from across the country met in the House of Commons with local government expert Professor Malcolm Chisholm, Honorary Fellow at Cambridge, who has done a lot of work on the adverse financial and representational consequences of unitary status."""
There are serious questions already being asked as to whether a limited unitary budget for an area that includes a huge metropolis such as Salisbury (you may not agree with that descritpion) and a whole lot of towns that are much smaller would work ... or wether the budget "spend" would be won by Salisbury with its bigger population and clout, to the unfair exclusion of other parts of the area.
I have no answers on this ... but then I haven't sought any to be fare. Thoughts, anyone?
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/8931 Written by Nick Field on Thursday, 6th December 2007
The super council has got government nod:
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeds - 3143/9514 Written by Nick Field on Friday, 18th January 2008
The five councils have held their first meeting about the new Unitary Authority :
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeds - 3143/9586 Written by Lee on Monday, 21st January 2008
[quote author=Nick Field link=topic=3143.msg9514#msg9514 date=1200655113] The five councils have held their first meeting about the new Unitary Authority :
More in the link below. http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.1976376.0.recipe_for_one_council_success.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/9908 Written by Nick Field on Wednesday, 6th February 2008
The Government has come under fire from the counties conservative MP's:
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/9923 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 6th February 2008
MPs have voted through the unitary plans (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2024564.0.mps_vote_through_unitary_plans.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10052 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 13th February 2008
A former mayor of Trowbridge who has been re-elected to the town council nine months after he lost his seat has promised to stick up for the town's interests during the unitary council changes (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2031323.0.election_victors_unitary_warning.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10382 Written by Lee on Tuesday, 26th February 2008
Proposals to create a unitary council in Wiltshire today received official Parliamentary approval (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2073845.0.parliament_backs_unitary_council_bid.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10572 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 5th March 2008
Wiltshire is undergoing an electoral review in preparation for the move to the new council (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2089014.0.electoral_review_for_county.php
The review, to be conducted by the Boundary Committee for England, offically started on 26th February following the approval of the Structural Order to create the new unitary authority by both Houses of Parliament.
The boundary review will involve drawing up new electoral divisions, of approximately 3,700 voters each, for the new unitary council.
A proposal for the new electoral divisions is currently being prepared by Wiltshire County Council, in consultation with district, town, and parish councils.
The Boundary Committee will also welcome proposals from other interested parties such as individuals, political parties, or parish and town councils by April 21.
The final decision by the Electoral Commission will hopefully be made later in the year in time for the elections to the unitary council in May 2009.
Further information on boundary reviews and the time frames are available on the Boundary Committee website: www.boundarycommittee.org.uk
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10719 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 12th March 2008
West Wiltshire District Council says it is disappointed that an appeal hearing has upheld the government's legal right to create new unitary local authorities (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2110025.0.council_upset_over_unitary_ruling.php
Shrewsbury and Atcham and Congleton borough councils made the appeal after their original judicial review against local government re-organisation was not upheld.
But the Court of Appeal has ruled that the unitary authorities can go-ahead.
West Wiltshire District Council, which will be abolished on April 1 2009 to make way for a single Wiltshire Council, had supported the two councils' appeal.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10737 Written by Lee on Thursday, 13th March 2008
A project which could save the new unitary council in Wiltshire up to
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10783 Written by courgettelawn on Friday, 14th March 2008
I wonder when we will realise such savings. Council Tax bill for Salisbury this year up almost 5%, a percentage point above the national average for 2008/09. Very disappointing.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/10904 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 19th March 2008
The move towards one council in Wiltshire moves up a gear today with the first formal meeting of the implementation executive (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2129065.0.first_meeting_for_unitary_group.php
The 17 county and district councillors, who make up the executive, will meet for the first time since the order to create Wiltshire Council was approved by Parliament.
The councillors are responsible for taking the key decisions for the new council in the run up to April 2009 when it will come into existence, replacing the county council and the four district councils.
The implementation executive will meet at County Hall in Trowbridge today at 4pm. The meeting is open to the public.
To find out more about one council and to read the implementation agenda and accompanying reports visit www.onecouncilforwiltshire.co.uk
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11018 Written by Lee on Monday, 24th March 2008
West Wiltshire councillors who attempted to secure expenses payments for working on the implementation executive have been criticised (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2139183.0.unitary_plan_expenses_claim_rejected.php
At the meeting on March 19 at County Hall, West Wilts councillors Tony Phillips and Rod Eaton, put forward a motion requesting that councillors on the committee be entitled to claim expenses in the form of a special responsibility allowance for the detailed work they were doing.
Wiltshire County Council said:
[quote="Wiltshire County Council"]"The motion was defeated and there will be no special responsibility allowance for members of the implementation executive."[/quote]
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11340 Written by Lee on Sunday, 6th April 2008
A list of top earning council officers has revealed the full extent of the six-figure pay packets at County Hall (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2167319.0.council_top_earners_revealed.php
An organisation called the Taxpayers' Appliance used Freedom of Information requests to find out how much the nation's top council officers were paid in the last two years.
The results show that five of Wiltshire County Council's officers eared well over
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11361 Written by Lee on Sunday, 6th April 2008
[quote author=Lee link=topic=3143.msg11018#msg11018 date=1206373770] West Wiltshire councillors who attempted to secure expenses payments for working on the implementation executive have been criticised (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2139183.0.unitary_plan_expenses_claim_rejected.php
At the meeting on March 19 at County Hall, West Wilts councillors Tony Phillips and Rod Eaton, put forward a motion requesting that councillors on the committee be entitled to claim expenses in the form of a special responsibility allowance for the detailed work they were doing.
Wiltshire County Council said:
[quote="Wiltshire County Council"]"The motion was defeated and there will be no special responsibility allowance for members of the implementation executive."[/quote] [/quote]
West Wiltshire District Council member Cllr Rod Eaton has defended the authority's questioning of allowances for a cross council committee (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2168235.0.councillor_defends_expenses_query.php
Cllr Eaton said:
[quote="Cllr Rod Eaton"]"We took the question to the first implementation executive meeting and received backing to clarify the point.
"We were not seeking additional allowances and we are still not being paid for work done on the executive. We wanted legal clarity not more money."[/quote]
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11465 Written by Lee on Friday, 11th April 2008
Wiltshire is undertaking an electoral review in preparation for its move to a new county-wide unitary authority next year (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2182188.0.wards_to_change_name_in_review.php
The review is being conducted by the Boundary Committee for England who are aiming for electoral equality by ensuring all councillors in a single authority represent approximately the same number of electors.
Wiltshire County Council will be discussing their proposals with the Boundary Committee on April 18, who will in turn make their recommendations to the Electoral Commission.
The deadline for public suggestions to the Boundary Committee is April 21.
At a meeting on Monday Westbury Town Council decided in principal to change the names of the three Westbury wards.
It recommended Westbury North become The Ham, Westbury East become The Laverton and Westbury West become The Vale.
The councillors also discussed the electoral boundaries, which will be decided once population figures have been confirmed.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11659 Written by Lee on Saturday, 19th April 2008
The war of words over the introduction of a new, all-embracing council for Wiltshire has intensified (link below.) http://thisisbath.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=180730&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232315&home=yes&more_nodeId1=163047&contentPK=20438070
County councillor Trevor Carbin has accused colleagues of wasting thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money on a propaganda campaign promoting the impending unitary authority.
The Liberal Democrat representative for West Wiltshire said the county council's ruling Conservative group was "going on the offensive to try to convince us that the new Wiltshire Council is a good thing".
Cllr Carbin was commenting on a paper to the county council's Implementation Executive which is overseeing the transition to unitary status.
He said it identified potential negative news stories which might need to be dealt with, including high council tax increases, the costs of the transition itself, cuts in services and asset-stripping.
Leader, Jane Scott, defended the Council.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/11831 Written by Lee on Thursday, 24th April 2008
The political and managerial make-up of Wiltshire's new super council is being finalised (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2215371.0.talks_on_unitary_council_makeup.php
On Friday, Wiltshire County Council agreed on the electoral boundaries for the county, which will be submitted to the Boundary Committee for England as part of its review.
Under the county council's proposals there would be 98 councillors, each serving about 3,700 voters. This will replace 244 councillors on the five present councils.
These figures are based on a model of 20 community areas, each of which will be split into divisions depending on the number of people living within it.
The management structure of Wiltshire Council is also being decided, with the county council's cabinet debating the issue on Tuesday.
A report drawn up by county council chief executive Dr Keith Robinson recommended the new authority have a chief executive, five corporate directors, as well as a director of public health, and 26 heads of service, covering areas like schools, finance, children and families, waste management and housing.
Dr Robinson advises that corporate and service directors be appointed as soon as possible, with internal positions filled by the end of June.
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/12425 Written by Lee on Friday, 23rd May 2008
Elections for Wiltshire's new unitary authority could be postponed for a month, it has been revealed (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2286806.0.new_date_for_unitary_elections.php
The Government this week disclosed plans to postpone next May's council elections to hold them on the same day as European Parliament polls.
Local Government Minister John Healey, in a Commons written statement, said he was "inviting views on whether or not we should, subject to parliamentary approval, move the date of the English local elections from May 7 2009 to June 4".
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/12790 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 1st October 2008
A community day is due to run in Warminster to provide information on local area boards which will be set up in April 2009 as part of the new Wiltshire Council (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/display.var.2454949.0.area_boards_under_the_spotlight.php
The Warminster Area Board will consist of local councillors and community representatives, who will be able to take action on local issues, influence budgets and challenge public service standards.
The community drop-in day will run from 10am to 7pm at the Assembly Rooms in Warminster on October 17.
The event is designed to give the public more information about the local area boards and how it will affect local organisations and residents.
Local groups are encouraged to attend for fundraising advice, the recruit volunteers and make presentations about their work.
An area board meeting will also be held in Melksham on October 14.
Meanwhile, Local Government Minister John Healey has paid a visit to County Hall to meet with leader Cllr Jane Scott and members of the Implementation Executive - which is responsible for overseeing the change (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/display.var.2455595.0.minister_keeps_an_eye_on_super_council_progress.php
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/12803 Written by Lee on Sunday, 12th October 2008
Young people will be involved in a range of workshops, roadshows and activities aimed at shaping the new Wiltshire Council during local democracy week next week (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/3747863.Youth_to_help_shape_Wiltshire_Council/
Re: Wiltshire Unitary bid succeeeds - 3143/12814 Written by Lee on Wednesday, 22nd October 2008
More than 90 people attended an information day designed to give an insight into life as a councillor on the new super authority for Wiltshire (link below.) http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/latestheadlines/3781450.Life_on_a_super_council_revealed_/
link to index of articles
Save the Train was the campaign to bring an approriate train service back to and through Melksham.
Most big contributors are still around writing at the Coffee shop forum where new members are very welcome.
The train has been saved - sort of - we have stepped back up from an unusable service to a poorish one but it's doing very well. We did that through setting up the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. That fulfilled its early objectives; it has been taken over by local and regional government types who are now doing medium and long term work. The team from this forun can also be found at the Melksham Rail User Group (which was the Melksham Rail Development Group at the time these articles were written and we had no users.
We mustn't loose sight, though, that the train service remains poor and needs our community support in marketing and campaigning to keep it going in a positive direction ... and all the more so when we're expecting to find a different normallity once we get out of the Coronavirus Pandemic and head for zero carbon via the climate crisis. Yes, it's saved ... it's now a key community facility ... the need for enhancement and the strong and near-universal local support remain, and the rail industry and goverment remain slow to move and provide the enhancements even to level us up with other towns. Please support the Melksham Rail User Group - now very much in partnership rather than protest with the rail industry and local government, including GWR, TransWilts and unitary and town councils. And please use the trains and buses, and cycle and walk when you can.
-- Graham Ellis, (webmaster), February 2021
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