Archived Save the Train forum articles - 2005 to 2010. See below
more fare strikes - 1241/3546 Written by tonya on Sunday, 28th January 2007
The MTLS fare strike clearly hit a raw nerve with the govt and FGW . However I think several more pushes are needed to topple FGW from its plinth - or get it to make serious changes to it's mangement. But they may also be biding their time at the moment waiting to see if we go away.
It's my guess that the DfT and fgw are both feeling more vulnerable to public pressure than they have for some time. The time is ripe for other areas with big commuting populations to hold their own fare strikes. They are easy - and fun- to organise though they will take a couple of people some very careful planning. If Bath was followed by Reading, and Oxfrod, and Didcot, and Chippemnham and Swindon then we really might see a different attitude from FGW and Tom Harris. The nearere the fare striles get to London , the more pressure their will be on Westminster to sort this out. If anyone wants help to organise their own fare strike leave a message for me on this forum. Let's not give up now!!
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3549 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Sunday, 28th January 2007
Tonya - I agree that it made some spectacular publicity the first time, but I'm minded that Fist said that they let folks through "for this one time only".
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3551 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Sunday, 28th January 2007
P.S. the legallity of fare strikes worries me and I need to point out as the moderator of this forum that I cannot condone or facilitate any activity which I have reasonable cause to believe to be illegal.
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3581 Written by IhateFGW on Monday, 29th January 2007
I have a non-illegal answer, but I need some support before I get the wheels in motion (no pun intended). Please visit my blog www.ihatefirstgreatwestern.blogspot.com and let me know what you think of my idea to print I hate First Great Western badges, which we can all put on when the trains are aggravating us more than usual. It's a silent protest that can't go unnoticed, as I intend to make the badges quite large and quite bright. What do you think?
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3588 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Tuesday, 30th January 2007
I like the idea of badges but an "I hate" badge is very negative, and the FGW staff, most of whom do a sterling job, may feel that they're being critisized too. I would go more for "Real people nead a real service" - that's pretty naff (I'm not at my most inspired this morning!).
Thanks for the Blog link .... new thread starting ....
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3685 Written by tonya on Friday, 2nd February 2007
I think the fact the fare strike received such overhwelming support shows the value of stepping over the mark on this occsion and fully justified it. If we are too genteel to FGW nothing will happen. They are hard nosed business people and they certainly dont care about our welfare, only how much they can get out of us in fares for minimum input of trains. By hitting FGW and making it clear the franchise has failed, we in turn will bring pressure on the governement, as we all agreee the solution is ultimately in their hands.
So yes I do Hate FGW, and so do thousands of others. The badges are a brilliant idea, and I think it would get excellent national publicity if we distributed thousands on one day from Paddington to Penzance. It's legal, doesn't hurt anyone, and people can make their own choice about whether to wear one. We could have an organised badge day with volunteers outside every main station handing out a badge with an info leaflet demystifying a few points about what is really going plus details of websites, who to write to etc. Any ideas for raising funding or do we ask for a donation? They cost about
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3714 Written by Graz on Saturday, 3rd February 2007
I don't 'hate' FGW, per se. I took a journey to Severn Beach today with a friend which was flawless all round, so I'm happy for them in this way. What I do hate, though, is FGW not listening to or brushing aside suggestions and needs put forward by concerned passengers. So I don't hate them- just sometimes the things they do and the ignorance often seen by their directors.
As for another strike- I'm afraid I don't think it's a great idea. FGW were lenient the first time, but if this kept happening I'm sure they would start threating to fine or arrest people which would make the anger between both parties even worse, and I'm also sure subsequent strikes wouldn't have any of the effect, or nationwide interest and news coverage generated by the first strike. I'd personally put as much pressure - in writing, and encourage as many others as possible to do so - to FGW to get them to amend their ways for the new timetable.
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3723 Written by admin (Graham Ellis) on Sunday, 4th February 2007
[quote author=Graz link=topic=1241.msg3714#msg3714 date=1170542124] As for another strike- I'm afraid I don't think it's a great idea. FGW were lenient the first time, but if this kept happening I'm sure they would start threating to fine or arrest people which would make the anger between both parties even worse, and I'm also sure subsequent strikes wouldn't have any of the effect, or nationwide interest and news coverage generated by the first strike. I'd personally put as much pressure - in writing, and encourage as many others as possible to do so - to FGW to get them to amend their ways for the new timetable. [/quote]
Graz - 100% with you on that. I thought I read or saw somewhere that the first was planned as a "one-off" ... and my personal view is that it should stay that way. But I'm also very much aware that I do NOT persobally joint trains at Oldfirld Park or Keynsham into Bristol on a regular basis, so there many be extenuating local circumstances.
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3831 Written by IhateFGW on Thursday, 8th February 2007
The problem with fare strikes for me is that I am an annual season ticket holder, so, although it may appear that I am fare striking, in fact they've got my money anyway, so I'm not striking much of a blow. A little update on the badge protest: I'm asking for people's opinions on the badge slogan - please go to www.ihatefirstgreatwestern.blogspot.com to add your vote. At the moment I'm planning to print two different badges, one for us "haters" and one more constructive one, possibly "FGW made me late today", which seems to be the second favourite based on the votes so far. I was only going to start small - maybe 100 of each, and hand them out free, but obviously if there is widespread interest, I may need to seek funds from somewhere to print more, does anyone have ideas on this? Please add your comments to my blog, I've never done anything like this before, so your help and support would be much appreciated.
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3844 Written by tonya on Friday, 9th February 2007
Most of the particpants in the Bath to Bristol Fare strike had tickets of one sort or another too. (I didn't though!!) It was the public statement we made that won the publicity. We never claimed to be attempting to make a financial impact on FGW, and the media never approached it from that angle either. The Bath commuters can't do the same again in the near future, but I still am convinced that if another group of commuters up the line did a similar demonstration it would have a strong impact , would get more national publicity, and would cause conceren in FGW and the Dft. Over to Reading, Oxford, Didcot etc.
Re: more fare strikes - 1241/3932 Written by kanga1 on Thursday, 15th February 2007
[quote]There will be a railtour "Around the Matra" on 24th February, 2007, organized by the http://trains.hu portal. The three Bhv type coaches ...[/quote]
I have moved this topic here ... I don't think the organisers would really like a fare strike on their special train.
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Save the Train was the campaign to bring an approriate train service back to and through Melksham.
Most big contributors are still around writing at the Coffee shop forum where new members are very welcome.
The train has been saved - sort of - we have stepped back up from an unusable service to a poorish one but it's doing very well. We did that through setting up the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. That fulfilled its early objectives; it has been taken over by local and regional government types who are now doing medium and long term work. The team from this forun can also be found at the Melksham Rail User Group (which was the Melksham Rail Development Group at the time these articles were written and we had no users.
We mustn't loose sight, though, that the train service remains poor and needs our community support in marketing and campaigning to keep it going in a positive direction ... and all the more so when we're expecting to find a different normallity once we get out of the Coronavirus Pandemic and head for zero carbon via the climate crisis. Yes, it's saved ... it's now a key community facility ... the need for enhancement and the strong and near-universal local support remain, and the rail industry and goverment remain slow to move and provide the enhancements even to level us up with other towns. Please support the Melksham Rail User Group - now very much in partnership rather than protest with the rail industry and local government, including GWR, TransWilts and unitary and town councils. And please use the trains and buses, and cycle and walk when you can.
-- Graham Ellis, (webmaster), February 2021
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